
The Campbell River Hospital Foundation

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Equipment Needs

CRCF Purchases Robotic Seal for Yucalta Lodge

CRCF Purchases Robotic Seal for Yucalta Lodge

Thanks to the Campbell River Community Foundation and their generous donation, today, we got to meet Sammy the Seal. Sammy is a Paro Therapeutic Robot that is used at Yucalta Lodge for animal therapy. This seal is used primarily with dementia patients.. It can...

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Gourmet Essentials donate to Women’s breast health

Gourmet Essentials donate to Women’s breast health

Eva Xu of Gourmet Essentials and her staff recently donated $1476 to the Hospital Foundation in that will go towards the purchase of a Stereotactic Mammography Machine for the MRI. This machine works with the mammography to pinpoint the exact location of a breast mass...

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Yucalta Dementia Dream Team Wins Local Healthcare Hero awards

Yucalta Dementia Dream Team Wins Local Healthcare Hero awards

CONGRATULATIONS to the Yucalta Dementia Dream Team on winning Local Healthcare Hero awards this year. Emily Smith and Rebecca Hoegler just wanted to makes the lives of the residents of Yucalta Lodge's dementia ward a bit better. The goal was to initially give the...

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Hospital Foundation Awards Education Bursary

Hospital Foundation Awards Education Bursary

Did you know that the Campbell River Hospital Foundation supports Continued Education to Eligible Employees in the form of Bursaries that would like to further their education and training to better care for the patients that they work with? Louise Smith, is an LPN...

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Rotarys March for Dimes supports Children

Rotarys March for Dimes supports Children

The Rotary Clubs of Campbell River recently presented $18,050 to the Campbell River Hospital Foundation.  These funds are the proceeds from the March for Children this past December and will support the purchase two Resuscitation Carts for Maternity and a Respiratory...

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Gourmet Essentials Gift Wrapping Donation

Gourmet Essentials Gift Wrapping Donation

Owner of Gourmet Essentials Eva Xu has continued the tradition started in 1996 from the previous owners for her second year in a row raising money for the Hospital Foundation with donations provided for Gift wrapping. This year they raised $1503 from this initiative,...

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Kans for Kids Donation Kids Medical Imaging

Kans for Kids Donation Kids Medical Imaging

Al & Gay Ruff recently donated money raised from their Kans for Kids yearly drive for children. The Campbell River Hospital Foundation was a lucky recipient of some of the monies raised to aid in the purchase of a Pedia Poser for our Medical Imaging Department. ...

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Mowi Employee Donates for 12 Days of Christmas

Mowi Employee Donates for 12 Days of Christmas

Sam Tomkinson,  a Mowi employee here in the Campbell River Office jumped on board the Mowi 12 days of Christmas giving that they choose for this holiday season. Sam baked 625 cookies that she then sold to other employees and friends raising $525 for the Campbell River...

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Author Jennifer Butler Donates Royalties

Author Jennifer Butler Donates Royalties

December 12, 2019 Jennifer Butler recently presented the Hospital Foundation with a donation of $1200 to support the purchase of two Omni Hysterscopes for Campbell River Hospital Surgical Services. The Hysterscope works with the Myosure Tissue Removal System, a...

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The Fraternal Order of Eagles #3097

The Fraternal Order of Eagles #3097

Thank you to the Fraternal Order of Eagles #3097 for their support of the Juvenile Diabetes Clinic at Campbell River Hospital.  Their gift will support  the purchase of a laptop for diabetes patients to download their insulin level information prior to their...

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Telephone: 250-286-7164

Toll Free: 855-550-2418

375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
