Campbell River Hospital Foundation recieves Covid-19 Funding from CMA Foundation

Campbell River Hospital Foundation is the recipient of CMA Foundation funding for COVID-19 relief
The CMA Foundation’s COVID-19 Community Hospital Fund granted $24,690 to Campbell River Hospital Foundation as part of its COVID-19 relief initiative to support those on the frontline of this pandemic. These funds will support Brazelton Touchpoints, a project that will continue to build and sustain a network of professionals who work collaboratively with caregivers of infants and small children.
Touchpoints focuses on giving support to families by building a system of support, knowledge and education for children and their caregivers. The early development index reflects that 35% of local children under the age of five are vulnerable and susceptible to challenges and during this pandemic, with families being pushed to their limits. They have seen their routines upset with changes to school and daycare; their social connections fade as they maintain their bubble; their support systems removed; and their usual coping strategies become inaccessible. Children are spending more time with their caregivers and are relying more completely on them at a time when stress on caregivers continues to escalate. Healthy attachment and healthy communication is now more important than ever. By building our community’s skills collectively through Touchpoints, we can support healthy attachment in our families and support resilience in our children. Strengthening attachment between parents and children can actually mitigate the impact of trauma and reduce symptomology in children.

The CMA Foundation announced the COVID-19 Community Hospital Fund as part of its commitment to provide COVID-19 relief. The $5 million fund supports hospitals across Canada with fewer than 100 beds to meet their evolving needs with activities, equipment and training that enhance staff wellness, improve access to care and help prepare for future pandemics.
The CMA Foundation is the charitable arm of the Canadian Medical Association and provides impactful charitable giving that furthers excellence in health care. To date, the foundation has committed more than $30 million in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



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375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

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Monday to Friday
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