
FOR The Campbell River Hospital Foundation

Make a Donation

Equipment Needs

We Can’t Do It Without You!

Volunteers are the backbone of our fundraising efforts. The Campbell River Hospital Foundation is supported by an incredible group of volunteers who provide their time, energy and expertise with various projects and special events.

If you are interested in helping us in a volunteer capacity, there are a number of opportunities. Our Foundation Staff or a Board Member would be happy to meet with you and discuss your choices, your interests and how your experience can assist us.

Some ways that volunteers make a difference:

  • Helping at a community event, or one of our own events
  • Joining one of our campaign committees
  • Joining one of our event committees
  • Joining our Board of Directors

For further information on volunteering
please contact us at 250-286-7164.

Our Guiding Principles

We believe in transparency and clarity

We believe in responsible, ethical fundraising

We believe that image is earned

We believe in our right to accessible, quality health care

Telephone: 250-286-7164

Toll Free: 855-550-2418

375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
