CRCF Purchases Robotic Seal for Yucalta Lodge

Thanks to the Campbell River Community Foundation and their generous donation, today, we got to meet Sammy the Seal. Sammy is a Paro Therapeutic Robot that is used at Yucalta Lodge for animal therapy.
This seal is used primarily with dementia patients.. It can recognize voices, track motions, utter endearing little squeaks and can whistle. It has touch sensitive whiskers, and over 50 sensors for light, tactile, auditory, temperature and posture that help it come to “life”. He is soft and fluffy, but also antibacterial.
This has helped dementia patients ( and staff) engage in increasing cognitive abilities, interacting, calming emotions, and just all over sense of comfort.
After getting to hold Sammy today, we all found ourselves soothing him when he made noise, and constantly petting him to make him snuggle in. Truly a remarkable piece of equipment ( pet)
Thank you again to Campbell River Community Foundation for this truly remarkable gift!!
Photo L-R: Chris MacDonald ( Yucalta Lodge, Social worker) Keltie McKale ( CRHF) Tara Ashley & Mason (Campbell River Community Foundation), Stacey Marsh ( CRHF)



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