Gourmet Essentials Gift Wrapping Donation

Owner of Gourmet Essentials Eva Xu has continued the tradition started in 1996 from the previous owners for her second year in a row raising money for the Hospital Foundation with donations provided for Gift wrapping.

This year they raised $1503 from this initiative, which brings the total to almost $30,000 since they started.  Gourmet Essentials is a local store that prides itself on having everything that your house could ever need.  Their staff put many hours into gift wrapping and we are so grateful to have community partners like them.

This years donation will go towards the purchase of the Portable Ultrasound Machine that will be used in our Sunshine Wellness Center. The Ultrasound allows medical staff to screen, assess and make decisions that inform medication adjustment and treatment decisions for people.  It is a tool that our Maternity Department will be able to use to monitor the health and wellness of babies and mothers bedside, which can reduce stress, time spent in waiting rooms and the overall  comfort of expectant mothers and their families.

Thank you to the team at Gourmet Essentials for your unwavering support year after year, that allows us to provide quality healthcare, close to home.

Photo L-R: Susan Johnson, Stacey Marsh, Eva Xu, Dominique Gaudet






Telephone: 250-286-7164

Toll Free: 855-550-2418

375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
