Operation Popcorn

Have you heard of Operation Popcorn? It is a program created by BC Transplant. Every year in December, volunteers throughout the province help to deliver decorative packages of popcorn to hospitals, Regional Coroners Offices and BC Ambulance Services to say thank you and show that organ donation works.

The health care professionals who work in ICUs, ORS, and Emergency departments see the tragic side of organ donation – families dealing with the loss of a loved one and making the decision to give the gift of life. They don’t often get to see the people who have been affected through this process – including the transplant recipients who benefit from this amazing gift and the organ donor families who view organ donation as one of the positive elements in their healing journey. Operation Popcorn is a small token of thanks for their hard work and dedication.

Pictured here are BC Transplant team members Barb and Gord delivering their gift to some of our very own OR staff.

Did you know? Over 1.3 million people are registered in the BC Organ Donor Registry, 479 lives were saved in 2017, 600+ people are waiting for life-saving transplants in our province.



Telephone: 250-286-7164

Toll Free: 855-550-2418

375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
