Brent and Kristie Cross Support Transport Ventilator

Brent and Kristie Cross recently presented our Foundation with a donation of more than $9,000 in memory of Lyndon Cross. Their gift will support the purchase of a Transport Ventilator for the Maternity Department at Campbell River Hospital (pictured here).

Each year approximately 400 babies are born at Campbell River Hospital. At times babies need special care that cannot be provided locally and they need to be transferred to a higher level of care.

Occasionally, we face challenges with some of these transfers due to weather conditions that make flying impossible. When ground transport is needed, this transport ventilator is used; it is capable of providing different modes of ventilation support, which starts at providing extra oxygen, assisted ventilation to completely controlled ventilation. Giving peace of mind to the family and allowing our caregivers to do what they do best.

Lyndon Cross was a social worker that worked in youth protection services. He fought a short but courageous battle against cancer with strength and determination. He was an extremely dedicated and caring person trying to make a difference in the lives of those in foster care. With the help of their team, the Penner Chargers, Brent and Kristie organize a tournament each year that honours Lyndon, with proceeds supporting our hospital.

Mark your calendars for June 14 to 16, 2019 at the Campbell River Sportsplex, the 12th annual Lyndon’s Legacy tournament is sold out with a wait list. Check out the amazing raffle table, food truck and ball games to support this worthy cause!

(L to R: Stacey Marsh, CRHF, Craig McDermid, Respiratory Therapist, Susi Shelswell, Clinical Coordinator for Maternity and Brent and Kristie Cross)



Telephone: 250-286-7164

Toll Free: 855-550-2418

375 - 2nd Avenue,
Campbell River, B.C.
Canada V9W 3V1

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
